Business Communication

Duration: 16 hours


Modul I: Effektiv ünsiyyət bacarıqları və onların texnikaları

    (16 hours training course)

    Module I: Effective communication skills and their techniques
    Topic 1: Elements of effective communication
    What is communication? Communication tools and their typology.
    Communication types and functions. Communication rules and norms.
    Communicative process: diversity of theoretical models.
    Features of non-verbal and verbal communication.
    Intra-organizational communication and its characteristics.
    Communication and feedback.
    Secrets of effective communication.

    Topic 2: Psychological barriers in communication
    Leadership skills and basic principles of business communication.
    Social-psychological problems in business communication.
    Stress reduction techniques in communication.
    The use of psychological 7 radical methods in business communication.
    Diagnosing and managing conflict/controversial situations.
    Types of manipulation and methods of influencing them.

    Topic 3: Active listening techniques
    Non-verbal, verbal active listening techniques:
    EXO-repetition (unchanged repetition of certain words or phrases);
    Paraphrase (based on facts and emotions);
    Reframing (re-framing);
    Summary (resume).


    Topic 4: Emotional intelligence
    Concept, essence and main components of “emotional intelligence”.
    Daniel Goleman’s theory of emotional intelligence.
    Wheel of Feelings/Emotions by Robert Plutchiki.
    Ability to cope with emotions.
    Techniques used in managing emotions.

    Module II: Business correspondence / presentation skills

    Topic 5: Business correspondence/business email rules
    Business/Business writing style.
    Formal and informal documents, commercial and non-commercial documents and their text characteristics in Business/Business communication.
    The main types of business documents, stylistics and requirements for them.
    Structure and main features of business letters.
    Basic components of email.
    Rules of etiquette in correspondence.

    Topic 6: Business telephone conversation rules
    Basics of business telephone conversations.
    Plan and structure of business telephone conversations.
    Rules of etiquette during a telephone conversation.
    Common mistakes made during a telephone conversation.

    Topic 7: Self-presentation/speaking skills
    Speaking skills. Business/Business style of speech: basic requirements. Components of speech.
    The basics of rhetoric.
    Basic types of arguments in Business/Business communication.
    Public speech and its structure and features of preparation.
    Stages of preparation for exit.

    Module III: Rules of conducting business negotiations

    Topic 8: Business negotiation strategy
    Basic principles and types of strategies of business negotiations.
    Negotiation as a type of business/business communication:
    performance conditions

    Topic 9: Stages of the business negotiation process
    5 step preparation stage in negotiations.
    OPINION-Identifying the Best Alternative to Settlement.
    Identification and assessment of potential agreement zone.
    Methods used against objections in negotiations.
    Common mistakes in negotiations.

    Topic 10: The Harvard Method in Business Negotiations
    Topic 11: Management of controversial situations
    Strategies according to the Thomas-Kilmann model during negotiations and conflict management.

    Module IV: Business Etiquette

    Topic 12: Basics and strategy of business etiquette
    Features of business ethics and business etiquette.
    Proper management of space, subordination, time and resources in conducting business.

    Topic 13: Business etiquette and corporate culture
    Foundations and structure of corporate culture.
    Its characteristics in different areas of business/business communication.

    Topic 14: Corporate standards
    Establishing correct communication in business processes (internal and external), evaluation criteria.
    Appearance and clothing style in business communication – “Dress Code” rules
    (Casual, Business Casual, Smart Casual, Business, “Black tie” and “White tie”).
    Business card etiquette rules.
    Business accessories and gifts.

    Topic 15: Etiquette rules of business meetings and events
    Types of business meetings, requirements, stages, efficiency conditions.
    Organization and protocol rules.

    the training course is conducted interactively;
    oral and written tasks (practical exercises) are preferred to fully understand the topics;
    participants are provided with the necessary materials during the training course;
    because there are practical exercises in the form of a group (minimum 6 people).


LANGUAGE OF THE COURSE: Azerbaijani language

TEACHING METHOD: offline and online

CERTIFICATE: Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded a certificate from ID TECH Academy.

Business communication training equips individuals with the necessary tools to communicate ideas clearly, collaborate effectively, and navigate diverse professional landscapes, fostering a communication environment conducive to success within an organization.

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